Thursday 25 April 2013


Q1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


Q3 what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? - Part 1 - Part 2

Q4 who would be the audience of your media product?

Q5 How did you attract/address your audience?

Q6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the creation of my music magazine i used a variety of different technologies and they have vastly helped and improved my overall product.
Obviously i used a computer however here is a list of the other technologies i used:

  •          Nikon Digital Camera
  •          Adobe Photoshop
  •      Internet Explorer 
  •          Microsoft Word, PowerPoint.
Nikon Digital Camera

I used this camera to take all of my images for my magazine. The fact that it is a digital camera helped me a lot as when i was taking the photographs i could immediately look at the quality of the images and also decide whether to keep them or not. Due to the memory on the camera i was able to take hundreds of photos and store them on the camera until i could look at them all properly and decided which ones i liked the best. 

Adobe Photoshop
I used Photoshop to manipulate all of my images in my magazine. It was extremely useful in the development and made all of my photographs look very professional. 
For example for my double page spread i wanted my images to be in black and white so i had to open them in Photoshop and change the colouring, however when i changed it to a black and white effect, the image looked dark and gloomy therefore i had to lighten the image and change the colour contrast. 
Also on my contents page, the main image that i used, when i first took the photograph, it had a background, so i cropped the photo out so that it had just a plain white background. 
Without Photoshop i wouldn't have been able to do any of this editing. 

Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer has been a huge help during not only the makings of my magazine but from right at the beginning when i was doing all of my research. It has helped me through the creation of my blog also as i have been able to document all the work i have done using blogger. 
During the research stage Internet Explorer allowed me to understand the conventions of a magazine and allowed me to look at examples of magazines which would help me to create my own.
Blogger has shown the skills i have used in my product and post- production stages of making my magazine. This was very helpful when it came to doing my evaluation as i could look back and remind myself of  what i had done.

Microsoft Word

This technology has allowed me to prepare the written aspects of my magazine. I wrote the interview that is featured in my double page spread in a word document and also wrote all of my blog posts in a word document to make sure i had no spelling errors and all of the sentences made sense. 

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint has been very helpful through the production of my evaluation. On PowerPoint it is very easy to add pictures onto the slides and showing many different slides with different information and graphics on each one, enables the viewer to be more engaged.

Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from that to your full product?

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