Sunday 23 September 2012

Contents Page Deconstruction #3

Mast Head
The 'Q' is always positioned in the top left hand corner of the page, it is always capitalised and written in white, this is the name of the magazine and the audience automatically recognise it. The 'Contents' is in black and is also in the top left hand corner, it is slightly smaller than the logo but is big enough for the reader to see.

Main Image
The Main image is positioned on the right hand side of the page however takes up most of the page, the audiences attention is immediately brought to this feature because it is so large and has such bright colours in it. The image is of a well known band called the 'Manic Street Preachers', they are all  looking straight at the audience creating a direct mode of adress. 

Essential Information
The name of the magazine is in the top left hand corner along with the issue number. The date of the magazine is in the bottom right hand corner along with the page number and small version of 'Q'.

Side Image
The Side image on the left hand side of the page provides the audience with a preview on what they can expect to see within the magazine.

Font and Colour
There is a red, black and white colour scheme which seems to be used in every single 'Q' magazine. The contents titles are bold and underlined in red to make it stand out and the content overviews are positioned under the titles to give information about each page. The bold, capitalised writing underneath the smaller image gives a brief description of what the magazine will hold and the red writing underneath that goes into more detail about the content. The issue number is positioned in the right hand corner of the page, it is in the same font and colour as the 'Q' and emediately tells the reader which issue they are reading.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Contents Page Deconstruction #2

Mast Head
The mast head is postioned at the top left hand corner of the page. The 'Q' is always on top of a red sqaure background and in white writing, which is shown here and the title of the page 'Contents' is in white, bold, capital letters to make it stand out and be the first thing that the reader sees. There is an issue number in-between the 'Q' and the 'Contents' to immediately show the reader what magazine it is.

The image is positioned slightly to the right of the page, it takes up the majority of the page to show that this artist is the main feauture of the magazine. The caption on the image shows what the article is about.The artist is directly addressing the reader, this atracts them into buying the magazine as the audience wonder what he is doing and why he is there.

Main Categories
The Main Categories are used to split up the text and divide it into manegable chunks. They also add information about the magazine. If the text was all in columns with know categories the audience may be put off from reading it due to the excessive amount of text.

Font and Colour
Bold, Large text and is used for the contents titles, smaller text is used for the contents overviews and the contents page numbers are all in red to make them stand out from all of the writing and to save time trying to look for what page in the information is on.

The arrow in the bottom right hand corner tells the reader to turn the page for more information  instead of using more text. It is a simple instruction that everyone will understand.  

Friday 21 September 2012

Contents Page Deconstruction #1

Mast Head
The mast head is postioned at the top left hand corner of the page. The 'Q' is always on top of a red sqaure background and in white writing, which is shown here and the title of the page 'Contents' is in white, bold, capital letters to make it stand out and be the first thing that the reader sees. It is the biggest text on the page and is immediately recognised. 

Main Image
The main image is of a band that is featured in the magazine and it is positioned slightly to the right of the page, it takes up a lot of the space which suggests the band are a main feature. It is anchored by a page number and a caption to tell the reader a brief overview of what the story is about. The band that are in the image are all wearing similar casual clothes and seem to be situated on a hill, they are standing in a line all looking deeply into the camera connecting with the audience. It is a long camera shot getting the full band head to toe and the scenery in the background. 

Other Images
The other image is a lot smaller than the first to show it is not as important, it is positioned in the centre at the bottom of the page and is also achored by a page number and a caption.  

Contents Titles
The contents titles are the only writing on the page other than the image captions; they are short and snappy and tell the reader what each page is about. the language is basic so that the reader has no problem understanding what they are about.

Font and Colour
The font and colour are consistant throughout and there is a red,black and white colour scheme. The contents titles and the contents overviews are all the same colour to show that they are linked together, the contents titles are bold to catch the readers attention. The page numbers are all in red to make them stand out from the writing, The 'oasis special' is in gold, this shows the importance of the story.

The date is positioned in the top right hand corner, it is right next to the issue number and is in the same font as the Mast head to show similarity.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

The Key features of a Magazine

I have created the image below and identified the key features of a magazine cover.

Mast Head- Is the title of a magazine which is usually at the left hand side of the page. 

Sell Line- Teases the audience and draws them in.

Sub Heading- Is a heading given to a subsection of a piece of writing which usually explains the sell line.

Essential info- Is the date and issue number etc.

Bar code- Is a machine-readable code in the form of numbers and a pattern of parallel lines, printed on a product.

Main Image- Is normally in the centre of the magazine and is used to grab the readers attention. 

Main Sell Line- Draws the reader in and normally relates to the main story of the magazine.  

AS Media Brief

Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate your grasp of DTP.

Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine