Friday 21 September 2012

Contents Page Deconstruction #1

Mast Head
The mast head is postioned at the top left hand corner of the page. The 'Q' is always on top of a red sqaure background and in white writing, which is shown here and the title of the page 'Contents' is in white, bold, capital letters to make it stand out and be the first thing that the reader sees. It is the biggest text on the page and is immediately recognised. 

Main Image
The main image is of a band that is featured in the magazine and it is positioned slightly to the right of the page, it takes up a lot of the space which suggests the band are a main feature. It is anchored by a page number and a caption to tell the reader a brief overview of what the story is about. The band that are in the image are all wearing similar casual clothes and seem to be situated on a hill, they are standing in a line all looking deeply into the camera connecting with the audience. It is a long camera shot getting the full band head to toe and the scenery in the background. 

Other Images
The other image is a lot smaller than the first to show it is not as important, it is positioned in the centre at the bottom of the page and is also achored by a page number and a caption.  

Contents Titles
The contents titles are the only writing on the page other than the image captions; they are short and snappy and tell the reader what each page is about. the language is basic so that the reader has no problem understanding what they are about.

Font and Colour
The font and colour are consistant throughout and there is a red,black and white colour scheme. The contents titles and the contents overviews are all the same colour to show that they are linked together, the contents titles are bold to catch the readers attention. The page numbers are all in red to make them stand out from the writing, The 'oasis special' is in gold, this shows the importance of the story.

The date is positioned in the top right hand corner, it is right next to the issue number and is in the same font as the Mast head to show similarity.

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