Saturday 22 September 2012

Contents Page Deconstruction #2

Mast Head
The mast head is postioned at the top left hand corner of the page. The 'Q' is always on top of a red sqaure background and in white writing, which is shown here and the title of the page 'Contents' is in white, bold, capital letters to make it stand out and be the first thing that the reader sees. There is an issue number in-between the 'Q' and the 'Contents' to immediately show the reader what magazine it is.

The image is positioned slightly to the right of the page, it takes up the majority of the page to show that this artist is the main feauture of the magazine. The caption on the image shows what the article is about.The artist is directly addressing the reader, this atracts them into buying the magazine as the audience wonder what he is doing and why he is there.

Main Categories
The Main Categories are used to split up the text and divide it into manegable chunks. They also add information about the magazine. If the text was all in columns with know categories the audience may be put off from reading it due to the excessive amount of text.

Font and Colour
Bold, Large text and is used for the contents titles, smaller text is used for the contents overviews and the contents page numbers are all in red to make them stand out from all of the writing and to save time trying to look for what page in the information is on.

The arrow in the bottom right hand corner tells the reader to turn the page for more information  instead of using more text. It is a simple instruction that everyone will understand.  

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