Monday 12 November 2012

Feedback of Student Work

Feedback Sheet – Student Work 

Name of product
What I thought were the strengths
What I thought were the weaknesses


All of the images that they have used are original and are of good quality. They have used effects (black and white) on some of the images to make it look more professional. A good variety of colour has been used throughout the magazine however they have still managed to maintain a red, black and white colour scheme.  The Font on the front cover is large, capitalised and bold immediately catching the audience’s attention. The layouts of all of the pages are very different to any other magazine showing originality.

The font used for the Masthead is not very suitable; I was unable to recognise what it said. All of the text is in different fonts and different colours making it confusing and unable to read. The white text at the bottom of the Front cover is positioned on top of a stripy black and yellow background making it difficult to read.


All of the images that they have used are original; some of them are of good quality and have been cropped well. Some have special effects on and some are just natural making them look more professional. The magazine is very colourful with a clear red, pink, black and white theme.  On the Front cover all of the headings of the artists are in the same font and the subheadings below are also in the same font showing similarity. The name of the magazine is very original and looks very affective.

The smaller images on the contents page are of very bad quality and are very dark and unrecognisable, they have been squished to fit in a certain box which has distorted the image and made it unable to see it very well. Although the name of the magazine is original, it isn’t particularly clear as to what the magazine is actually called; this could impact negatively on its sales.


The main image on the front cover and the double page spread is original and is of good quality. There is a clear Red, Blue, white and Black colour scheme on the Front cover and Contents page and the text is bold and stands out. The title of the magazine is slightly covered by the main image however it is still recognisable.  

Many of the images on the contents page and some on the Front cover are not original and aren’t very good quality. All of text on the Front cover is in different fonts which looks quite unprofessional. The double page spread has no colour similarity to the front cover and content page and is quite dull.


Some of the images are original, all of the images on the Content page are extremely good quality. The content page looks very professional and there is a clear black and white colour scheme on the Front Cover and Contents page.  The way the double page spread is set out is very traditional in the magazine world, dedicating an entire page with an image and the other page to text. The way the ‘I.D’ card has been cropped into the image is very unique.  The double page spread has a clear Orange and White colour scheme.
The main image on the Front cover and the image in the ‘I.D’ card are of very bad quality. Most of the images on the Content page are not original and look slightly over crowded. The white text on orange background on the double page spread does not stand out as much as the white text on black background on the front cover and Contents page.

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