Tuesday 4 December 2012

Photoshop skills development 1

I have used Photoshop to manipulate this image of Jarvis Cocker and make it into the front cover of a magazine. I started by duplicating the layers, this allows me to have separate images of Jarvis cocker, one with the background and one without. I then changed the colour of the background, I used the Magic Wand to delete the previous background and then used the paint bucket tool to change the colour. I then used the gradient tool to change the background more so that it had a twirl effect. I then added text to the image by making a masthead and sell lines, the masthead is slightly behind the main image as it has less importance and the main image is the convention that catches the audiences eye. The Mast Head, the Main sell line and the '65' on one of the sell lines are in white text so that it stands out from the green and blue background, it is a bright colour that will attract everyones attention. The rest of the text is in a pale green colour which contrasts with the background. Lastly i added the bar code, it was very enlarged when it had loaded onto my screen therefore i had to shrink it a lot so that it was the right size to fit onto my page.

1 comment:

  1. You have successfully completed the task, using layers to place the masthead behind the main image and following the set criteria to produce your final image, which also demonstrates your creativity. The skills you have developed should prove useful when creating your own magazine cover image.
