Thursday 13 December 2012

Stage 2 Magazine Proposal

Proposal Form

Describe your idea for the brief:

My article will be called Strobe, The masthead on the front cover will be capitalised and spread across the top of the page, the main image will be centralised and slightly covering the masthead creating a professional look and showing that the image is the main feature. The subheadings will be listed down to sides of the page so that there is no interference to the main image.
The contents page will be similar to the front cover with the masthead being positioned at the top. There will be a medium sized main image taking up a lot of the page and a list of contents on what the audience can expect to see within the magazine, there will also be several other images at the bottom of the page to give the audience a taste of what will be shown inside. 
The double page spread will focus on a well known artist, it will feature an exclusive interview about the artists life. The interview will be advertised on the Front cover therefore people that are interested in finding out more about the artist will be encouraged to purchase the magazine. The interview will be on one page and the image will be on the other, i have decided to set it out like this as this is the traditional layout of a double page spread. 

Genre/ sub genre: list similar texts which have inspired your thoughts

The genre of my magazine is house music, this is very unique as there are not many magazines that focus on this genre. I want it to be different to all of the magazines that are already being sold on the market. ' magazine' is a well known House music magazine shown worldwide, this has inspired me to do a similar genre and gave me a few ideas on what i could include in my magazine. 

Target audience: gender/ age/ characteristics/ behaviour

My target audience is a young audience ranging from the ages 14-30 as these are the sort of people that are interested in house music. House music tends not to have many lyrics in and therefore very young people and adults aren't interested in listening. I have aimed my magazine at people who enjoy going to gigs and festivals as apposed to people that listen to the UK top 40. 

 Major conventions 

Front cover
My mast head will be positioned at the top of the page and my main image will be centralised and slightly covering the masthead, this is to show the image has more significance and to show that i am confident that the audience will be enticed even without seeing the name of the magazine. I will use subheadings to give the audience a bit of information on what will be inside the magazine however not too much, leaving them intrigued. There is a website that the audience can visit which tell them all about the magazine and about the content. 
Contents page
There will be a masthead positioned as the top of the page and a medium sized image of the artist that is going to be featured in the double page spread giving the audience a visual aid and making the magazine look professional. There will be a list of content down the side of the page informing the audience of what they will be expecting to see within the magazine. 
Double Page Spread
There will be a title telling the reader what the article is about, there will be a subheading underneath giving the reader a better idea of what the article will focus on. The article will be accompanied by a large image of the artist that is featured in the article. 

Conventions I may subvert/ change/ not use

There will be a minimal amount of text in my magazine as too much writing will be off-putting for the reader, as soon as they see a huge chunk of text they will loose interest. The magazine will not be too crowded and will have sufficient text to image ratio. 
Original images: what/ where/ what

My front cover of my magazine will display a large original image of an artist. They will be standing indoors and the image will be a medium shot of the artist staring into the camera, connecting with the readers. My other images will be of friends posing and some images will be natural shots. 
Potential difficulties/ Plan B:

The quality of my images may not turn out right, to ensure this does not happen i will take the photographs on my high quality camera in order to make the images look professional. Finding models to feature in my magazine may be a problem, therefore i will ask friends if i can use them as models as i can rely on them to help produce my magazine. 

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