Sunday 16 December 2012

Front Cover, Contents and DPS Flat Plans with written rationale

Front Cover
This is a flat plan for the front cover of my magazine. the colours I have used are a variety of different blues. This makes the magazine look professional and sets a calm mood and also puts the artist forward as having a cold personality. The plain white background will contrast with the blue headlines making them stand out more catching the audiences eye.
For the main image I have decided to use a long shot/medium shot of the artist. Although i have just used a Silhouette of a person for this flat plan, my actual image will be similar to this, with the artist showing their full body, giving a sense of power.The image will slightly overlay the masthead in order to again draw the focus to the image, signifying more importance than anything else on the page.
The artists pose will be them standing posed and looking straight at the camera, this will entice the audience and make them want to read the magazine. I am unsure of whether i will be using male or female for my main image however the shot will remain the same. If the artist is a female she will be wearing natural face make up and smokey eye make up, this will make the images look dramatic and stand out more, the artist will also be wearing brightly coloured clothing which will contrast with the blue/black colour scheme. 

I will be using third person for the majority of my text as i feel it will involve the audience more. I may also use alliteration which will emphasise certain elements. It will also make the magazine more interesting. Hooks and puns will also engage the audience. All text will be linked to the images showing anchorage.  
I will use a variety of sell lines in order to inform the audience of what they can expect to see within the magazine. 

I will use different fonts on the front cover however not too many as it could reduce the overall quality and professionalism. The layout will be professional, i will not place any elements in diagonal as i feel it creates an amateur look.I have added the magazines website address. From this, the audience will be able to visit the website to read more about the stories and are able to read previous and upcoming issues.

Contents Page
This is a flat plan for the contents page of my magazine. I have stuck to the same colour scheme throughout using the variety of different blues. I have again used a plain white back ground to make the image and text stand out to the audience. There will be no props involved and all of the images will be taken indoors so weather will not be included into the image.
For the main image the camera shot will be a medium shot of the artist, again staring right at the camera, interacting with the audience. As i said above i have not yet decided on whether my main image will feature a male or a female however if i was to choose the male for the main image my side image would be of the female, or vice versa. The female would be again wearing natural face make up and smokey eye make up and both artist will  be wearing brightly coloured clothing which will contrast with the blue/black colour scheme. 

I will be using mainly third person again for my text as i feel it involves the reader. The list of content will be down the side showing the audience what will be included in the magazine, there will not be a lot text on this page as it it just a brief overview of what type of things can be found in the magazine. Next to the side image at the bottom of the page there will be some anchorage explaining what is going on in that image. The issue number will be positioned at the top of the page next to the masthead to remind the audience what issue it is.  

Like the front cover i will use different fonts on the contents page however not too many as it could reduce the overall quality and professionalism. This page will be slightly more crowded than the front cover as it will contain more text and more images. the text will all be horizontal as diagonals create an amateur look. 

Double Page Spread 
This is a flat plan for the double page spread of my magazine. The colour scheme will again be a variety of different blues showing similarity between all three pages.
As i said before I am unsure of whether i will be using male or female for my artist however the shot will be a medium shot either in a posed position or staring into the camera. Again if the artist is a female she will be wearing natural face make up and smokey eye make up, this will make the images look dramatic and stand out more, the artist will also be wearing brightly coloured clothing which will contrast with the blue/black colour scheme. The image will be extremely large and take up the whole page, there will either be a neutral colour or just white for the background so that the protagonist is the main attention. 

Because there is an interview featured on this page the questions being asked to the artist will be in second person and the answers are coming straight from the artist therefore will be in first person. These narrative voices will interest the reader and they will be able to learn more about the artist. The artists name will be in a large text ad positioned at the top of the page where the image will be. There will be a subheading underneath the masthead explaining what the page is about.

Like on the other pages i will use different fonts on the double page spread however not too many as it could reduce the overall quality and professionalism. Although the layout is simple it also captures a professional look at the same time. 

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