Saturday 15 December 2012

Audience research and analysis of data

I created a questionnaire on Survey Monkey to help me in my magazine research so that when it comes to how I can improve my magazine, i know what certain people like to see.

 My first question was to see who took part in the survey male or female as my magazine will cater for both genders. 

My second question was to see what ages would be interested in my magazine, this shows that ages between 10-29 are interested, this was the target group i was aiming my magazine at.

This question was to see what genre of music the audience are interested in, this shows that 'House' music was the most popular, this is why i chose 'House' as my genre.  

I made this question for people to let me know what type of things they like to see featured in a magazine, looking at the answers, the vast majority have said interviews and images, this is why i have included interviews and many images in my magazine. 

Most people have said that they think between £2-£3 is a reasonable price for a magazine. 

This question was to see the main point in people buying magazines, there was mixed answers, but most people said for general info and posters/images.

This question shows that people rarely read magazines, this is why my magazine will be a monthly issue, as i feel weekly is too often, most people don't read magazines that often. 

In this question the majority of people have said they prefer more pictures in a music magazine, this is why i have added many pictures.

Most people here have said they buy a magazine because the artists/bands they like are featured in the magazine, this is why instead of just focusing on one artist/band i have included info on many to try and hook a wider target audience. 

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