Wednesday 12 December 2012

Photoshop skills Development 2

I created this image to advertise the Simpsons Movie. I did this by using Adobe Photoshop. I began by changing the background to a blue sky colour and adding clouds, i did this because this is the original background of the TV show which gives the audience some familiarity. I then added the original 'The Simpsons Movie' title and changed the usual position of it. I positioned it at the bottom of the page instead of the middle of the page and then added another image of homer and positioned it at the top of the page. The poster shows homer jumping for the doughnut which portrays his personality as being greedy, the audience know his character and can therefore relate to the image on the poster. Next i added the date that the Movie will be released on, i positioned it in the bottom right hand corner next to the title so that the audience read it afterwards. I chose for the colour to be black because on the title 'The Simpsons' it is also black which shows similarity within the poster.

1 comment:

  1. Erin, you have produced a very good image, which includes all set criteria and conforms to traditional movie poster conventions, as well as explaining the process you went through. Well done!
