Saturday 15 December 2012

Potential Problems

Potential Problems with My Coursework

Potential area where there might be a problem
How I will deal with this problem

Front cover images

There are several problems that may occur when producing and styling my images: 

  • The image may look unprofessional therefore causing the quality of the magazine to be reduced. To ensure this doesn't happen I will take higher quality images so i get a professional finish to my magazine.

  • The image size may be too small or too large  therefore when i scale it to the correct size, it may become blurry or distorted. To ensure that this does not happen, I will use a high quality camera so that my images are high quality too. 

  • My model may drop out at the last minute and decide they no longer want to take part which means i would have to ask a back-up model to take pictures for me.

  • The colours within the images may not correspond to the text around the image. To overcome this problem, I will take photos with none background so that the text is easily recognised.

Article Inside Magazine

There are several problems that may occur when producing the article inside the magazine: 

  • When writing my article, spelling and informality may become an issue. In order to ensure this does not happen, I will use spell checker and I will get someone to proof read my work to see that it is to a professional standard. 

  • My article may be too long for the page therefore I will have to cut out any unnecessary information and leave behind the appropriate info. 

  • The article may be too short for the page, i could solve this problem by getting ideas from other magazines to make the article fit the page. 

  • The layout of my article may not look professional. To ensure this does not happen, I will look at other magazines for inspiration and design a suitable layout.  

Images to accompany article

There are several problems that may occur when producing the images to accompany the article: 

  • The images I have taken may not relate to the article and to solve this problem I could re-write my article to match my images or re-take my images to match my article.

  • The ratio of images to text may be too great which will distract the reader from the article. To solve this problem i will ensure that the balance between the two is equal.

  • The images that accompany my article may be too big, which will pull the focus away from the article. To solve this problem I would just re-size my images to a more appropriate size.

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