Wednesday 13 March 2013

Draft of Double page spread

I decided to do an interview for my double page spread, I find interviews a lot more intriguing as they do not only focus on the artists career but also on their personal life, i felt this was more appropriate for my audience as they would feel interaction with the artist, and find out interesting information about his past. 

This is a draft of my interview:

Tell us a bit about your childhood and your family.
I was born in London, i have a younger brother and sister, were very close, i don't get to see them as much anymore obviously because I'm very busy with my career, but i love going back home to visit them! My mum raised us by herself, she said it was tough as we didn't have much money but we managed. I was a very mischievous boy, always getting into trouble at school, i was given endless amounts of detentions but i still never learnt. When i left school i was so lazy, i just used to sit in the house all day, doing nothing,  that was when i started to get a passion for music, i would sit on the computer for hours listening to sets on YouTube, that's when i decided i wanted to do something with my life.

When did you first start Djing?
I first started to be interested in this kind of music when i was 15, and when you are interested in this type of music you just want to try Djing out! One of my friends had just got some decks at the time so at parties i used to try it! All of my mates said i was good at it so i got some decks for myself! I was on them constantly; i loved them!

Tell me what you’re working on and what’s coming up for you?
I have a lot of stuff coming up, I will be putting out singles first, and then remixes then maybe some collaborations. I have made some tracks for vocalist too, but we will see what happens!

How do you decide on what tracks you play during your sets? Do you prepare something in advance or just base it purely on the crowd’s reaction? 
I always have a general idea on what I’m going to play, but yeah, it does all depend on the crowd! Sometimes I will change things up completely but most of the time my sets are all my own tracks.

When you are not entertaining others how do you entertain yourself?
I meet up with my friends a lot; I don’t get to see them as much now, so whenever I’m free i tend to hang out with them. Or just chill, actually i do enjoy going to the cinema, that is, when i have time.

If you could give one tip to newbies when it comes to Djing, what would it be?
Stay unique and work hard, don’t play in front of a crowd before your ready, practice a lot.

When is your next tour?
I’m touring here in England very soon, staring on April 2nd till the 10th. The cities that I’m visiting are on my Facebook page.

Thank you for speaking with us! We really appreciate it, is there anything you would like to say to your fans?
Thanks for all the support you have given. Music would be nothing without the people who listen to it.

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