Wednesday 13 March 2013

Front Cover Photographs

 Front Cover Images

 I chose this image as my final main image as my model is in a good position and is looking deeply into the camera, the smoke has dispersed well and is flowing in a good direction. The picture is of good quality and is very clear.
I tried to make my model tilt his head sideways so that he wasn't looking at the camera. I then took the image from a lower angel to show his importance. However I will not be using this image in my magazine as when i went to take the photograph, the flash did not go off, therefore the picture was dark and unable to focus properly. 

I will not be using this image either as when my model blew the smoke out of his mouth, he opened his mouth slightly more than i would have liked him too. He also tilted his head slightly up which looked unprofessional, i wanted him to position his head straight on, and look deeply into the camera.

Although i liked this image and the way the smoke had dispersed, when i took the image, i did not signal my model when i was taking it meaning he was not ready. He blinked and when i looked at the image his eyes were closed.

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